Timing is Everything

Among the many interesting people we met at ORGATEC22 was Barry Jenkins, of Hotbox design legends BroomeJenkins. We caught up with him about all things hybrid, and he very kindly shared these insights.

Barry Jenkins and Jamie Rothwell at Orgatec

Timing is Everything

Barry knows the world of hybrid products inside out, and we've been working together for quite some time now. We have worked together to design Shuttle and Hotbox 4 and are currently developing a new product together. Over to you, Barry.


"It was no surprise to me that furniture companies exhibiting at Orgatec would show products to support hybrid working, providing the means to create more flexible, social spaces to support nomadic workers.


The autonomy that comes with working hybrid means that needs have changed, as workers are more self-sufficient and mobile. Hotbox has been engaged with this shift from the beginning when it was known as 'hot-desking'.


Although nomadic working started a while ago and was accelerated by the pandemic, we knew it was a growing trend and worked to address a number of user needs with three new products launched since 2020.


Whilst the furniture manufacturers exhibiting at Orgatec 2022 demonstrated how the physical workplace has changed, becoming more diverse, Hotbox were able to show how the worker should be supported to be more autonomous in and out of those spaces. It's a more human-centric way of approaching the problem, focusing on the individual and their productivity rather than just the physical space.


Many businesses are still asking the two big questions: how can we enable workers to adapt? And what do they need to be able to work anywhere? Health and wellbeing are a top concern for employers, and as designers, we're glad to see the focus coming round to the individual experience a lot more.


Hotbox have been thinking about this for a while and anticipated the shift to a more agile way of working. The product range is specifically designed to answer these questions, empowering both individuals and businesses. It was great to be able to show resellers and businesses that the perfect answers to these emerging challenges already exist.

Thanks Barry for your insights. Many of the visitors at our ORGATEC stand were glad to have a chat with him, but don't worry if you missed out. You can ask any questions you have for Barry - from manufacturing and materials to design and detailing - right here in contact us section and we'll be sure to get an answer from him.

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{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Article", "articleBody": "Barry knows the world of hybrid products inside out, and we've been working together for quite some time now. We have worked together to design Shuttle and Hotbox 4 and are currently developing a new product together. Over to you, Barry.\n \n\"It was no surprise to me that furniture companies exhibiting at Orgatec would show products to support hybrid working, providing the means to create more flexible, social spaces to support nomadic workers.\n \nThe autonomy that comes with working hybrid means that needs have changed, as workers are more self-sufficient and mobile. Hotbox has been engaged with this shift from the beginning when it was known as 'hot-desking'.\n \nAlthough nomadic working started a while ago and was accelerated by the pandemic, we knew it was a growing trend and worked to address a number of user needs with three new products launched since 2020.\n \nWhilst the furniture manufacturers exhibiting at Orgatec 2022 demonstrated how the physical workplace has changed, becoming more diverse, Hotbox were able to show how the worker should be supported to be more autonomous in and out of those spaces. It's a more human-centric way of approaching the problem, focusing on the individual and their productivity rather than just the physical space.\n \nMany businesses are still asking the two big questions: how can we enable workers to adapt? And what do they need to be able to work anywhere? Health and wellbeing are a top concern for employers, and as designers, we're glad to see the focus coming round to the individual experience a lot more.\n \nHotbox have been thinking about this for a while and anticipated the shift to a more agile way of working. The product range is specifically designed to answer these questions, empowering both individuals and businesses. It was great to be able to show resellers and businesses that the perfect answers to these emerging challenges already exist.\nThanks Barry for your insights. Many of the visitors at our ORGATEC stand were glad to have a chat with him, but don't worry if you missed out. You can ask any questions you have for Barry - from manufacturing and materials to design and detailing - right here in contact us section and we'll be sure to get an answer from him.", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage", "@id": "https:\/\/eu.behotbox.com" }, "headline": "Timing is Everything", "description": "Among the many interesting people we met at ORGATEC22 was Barry Jenkins, of Hotbox design legends BroomeJenkins. We caught up with him about all things hybrid, and he very kindly shared these insights.", "image": [ "https:\/\/eu.behotbox.com\/cdn\/shop\/articles\/636a70c07a84be09e083c157_Untitled_20design.png?v=1699270668\u0026width=2000" ], "datePublished": "2022-11-08T01:00:00Z", "dateCreated": "2023-11-06T12:37:48Z", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Barry Jenkins" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Hotbox Design Limited (EU)" } }